Explore Our German Language Programs and Special Events

German Language Classes for Children, Teenagers, and Adults
All aspects of language acquisition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, learning games, and interactive play.
Special Events
Join us in celebrating German festivals and holidays:

Fasching – Carnival (February)
From November 11th until Ash Wednesday, people in Germany, young and old, are celebrating Fasching/Carnival. We celebrate this day in colorful costumes and play a variety of traditional games.
Sankt Martin – Lantern Festival (November)
Make your own lantern for ‘Sankt Martin’ and be part of our Lantern Walk in the park.
Sankt Nikolaus (6th of December)
Nikolaus became known for performing good deeds during his lifetime. He became the patron saint of children, sailors, students, teachers, and merchants. He is credited with several miracles, and his feast day is Dec. 6, when he brings small gifts for the children.
Krippenspiel – Christmas Musical Show (December)
Children from all our classes and from the German group of Ft. Lauderdale have performed—since 1999—annually a traditional Christmas Musical (‘Krippenspiel’). Every year, we welcome children from all different groups to take part in our Christmas Musical.